Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A High School Crush by Nell Musolf

from the January 20, 2017 issue

Tagline: Prudence was anxious about starting over...until she talked with Hank!

Woman's World Tropes: Old Flame from High School

Observations: Today, let's talk about two different jumping off points for stories.

This week's story takes place at a crucial moment in the heroine's life. She's about to start a new chapter in her life. She's quit her job of 20 years and is going to nursing school. From the first moment we meet her, we immediately admire her for her courage, right? This is a good starting point for any Woman's World story. Create a character who is starting something new. It can be anything--a new job, like Prudence; a new hobby; a new town; moving to a new town; getting a new car or a new pet. Then show her connecting with someone in the process.


Begin the story before that new something has begun. Show the character at the crossroads, struggling to make the decision. Then someone special can come along and encourage or support. In this type of story we see the main character grow and change and find love.

Photo Credit: Dominik Wagner via Flickr Creative Commons License


Pat said...

I really liked this story because of the brave heroine starting a new life. I was cheering her on.

Kate Willoughby said...

Exactly. :)

Chris said...

Interesting analysis, Kate. Oddly enough, the story I am working on at the moment (not for WW) also has a heroine starting a new chapter in her life after dealing with a crisis. It's an unconscious, automatic thing we do, finding that dramatic staring point and going from there - or, as you say, building up to it and seeing how she copes.

Chris said...

Starting point, that should be. oops.