Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Break in the Weather

by Christine Hauray-Gilbert from the August 12, 2019 issue

Tagline: When Sabrina falls and ends up in urgent care one rainy morning, she never imagines that the bad start to her day could end in sunny romance.

Observations: With only 800 words, it's often difficult to slip in a physical description of one or both main characters and I wanted to point out how this author did it in three places.

Sabrina hadn't noticed him before, but as she looked up to meet his soulful gaze, a shiver ran down her spine.

Sabrina couldn't help but stare at his perfect smile...

He was scruffy in his gray sweats and sneakers, but his sincere brown eyes and dimples more than made up for it.

Incidentally, I, too, injured myself trying to play soccer many years ago. It was a shock to realize I was no longer as spry or fast on my feet as I had been.

I did find myself wondering if her boss would be understanding about Sabrina going out to breakfast after getting her wrist looked at.

I really liked the ending and how it tied in the weather theme nicely:

No sign of a black cloud, Sabrina thought gleefully. But there's a 90% chance of romance!

Photo credit: Tony Webster (Flickr creative commons license)


Pat said...

I thought this was the cutest story I'd read in awhile. I loved the characters, the premise, and the writing.

Sandy Smith said...

This was certainly a "meet cute" story. I'm always trying to think of different ways for my characters to meet. I enjoyed it.

Christine Hauray Gilbert said...

Thank you for the helpful comments. I've been submitting stories for awhile to WW, and this is the first Romance accepted. I love writing these mini romances. I love reading them too.