Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Garden of Lasting Love

by Christine Greifzu from the May 4, 2020 issue

Tagline: After a puppy tears through her freshly planted flowers, Michelle finds romance blooming between her and the pup's handsome owner.

Observations: I don't have that much to share this week but I wanted to point out some fantastic verbs the author used in this story. Sparkling verbs are a wonderful and succinct way to liven up your prose.

"Barney, come here!" He dashed after the pup, who darted band and forth playfully. Small chunks of grass erupted from the lawn as the lively game of cat and mouse continued.

Suddenly, the man snagged the leash trailing behind the dog and scooped him into his arms. Turning to face Michelle, he stared at her aghast. "I'm so sorry...before I knew what happened, he'd yanked the leash from my grip. Look at this mess!"

See what a vivid picture the author painted? You can really envision this scene unfolding.

Photo by Heather Ruiz via Flickr cc license


Sandy Smith said...

I agree, Kate. Excellent use of verbs. It was a cute story. I enjoy the stories with older characters.

Pat said...

Can't wait to read this story. I still haven't gotten my issue yet. I'm going through WW withdrawal big time!

Pat said...

Finally got this issue. Great story. Loved the characters and I agree about the great verbs used.