Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sprinkled with Kisses

by Cher L. Tom from the August 19, 2024 issue

Tagline: When Jessica's husband, Ryan, was spending all his time at work, she felt the love draining from their marriage--until he surprised her.

Observations: I find it very hard to write a marriage-in-trouble story, but Ms. Tom did it. The story focuses on the heroine's wistfulness at how it used to be when her husband was around. We see the romance as it was in the past. 

I thought it very clever of her to have Jessica leave a voicemail for Ryan so that he would know that they were camping. And tying the popcorn in at the end was good too. 

Photo by Calamity Sal via Flickr CC license


Pat said...

Cute story.

Sandy Smith said...

This was a really sweet story.