Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Night Owls

by Nell Musolf from the May 21, 2018 issue

Photo credit: Alex Antonio (Flicker CC)
Tagline: Night shifts were really boring...that is, until Mark ran into Susan!

Observations: I think I can safely say that it's never a bad idea to show the hero and heroine of your story having something in common. In this case, it was the fact that they both work nights.

I wanted to point out something I haven't mentioned in a while. I always think it's a good idea to show your heroine making smart choices as a single woman. If you're a woman, jogging at night is probably not the wisest choice, especially if you keep to a predictable schedule. But Susan takes her dog with her, which shows she's a smart cookie. No one wants to read about a TSTL (too stupid to live) character.


Pat said...

Great comment reminding us about TSTL characters.
Good story. I enjoyed it.

Oriole Adams said...

I have to admit that I felt the heroine was foolish for walking her dog alone after dark....take, for example, the case of this man:

A dog does not guarantee safety, and the perps can easily shoot the dog as well as the human they are robbing. So, suffice to say, I was not particularly impressed with the set-up of this story.

Sandy Smith said...

It was a different concept with the night shift workers. I enjoyed it.

Shyra said...

I liked both characters in this story. And I personally love going for a walk at dawn, it's my favorite time to be outside. Kate, I laughed out loud at your 'too stupid to live' reference. Don't know if you made that up but it's the first time I've heard it. When I start to read a book with a lead character like that, I rarely finish it. Nice job Nell.