Monday, February 4, 2019

News from the Editor

There is a Facebook group for WW Writers (link in the side bar) that Alessandra Renna, the new Fiction Editor, visits and posts on every once in a while. I'm going to make an effort to pass on the info here for those who don't use Facebook. These are her words, cut and pasted.

Jan 11, 2019  Jan 31, 2019
Firstly, and most importantly, in our romance section, we have started to promote books and novellas by our wonderful authors! What this means for writers who have submitted or have had their pieces accepted to appear in Woman's World is that alongside your submission, we would also love to hear about any books you have upcoming or have published in the recent past (2-3 years ago), where they are available for purchase, and for you to attach a hi-res jpeg of the book cover for us!
Secondly, the criteria for selection have been altered slightly, so I wanted to offer some quick 'guidelines' so everyone knows what's being looked for (and chosen!) for both romance and mini mysteries. Here are some quick things to include in future submissions, as well as some themes that our editors are loving right now!
—your contact information (name, address, e-mail, phone #)
—stories with LOTS of chemistry, i.e. gazing into the eyes, stomaches erupting in butterflies, etc. NOTE: this does NOT mean racy! Just evocative description of the sparks of first love flying
—hopeful endings/kickers that leave the reader feeling like the future is bright and anything is possible
—love in later life—our readers are LOVING stories about people who find love later in life, so keep them coming!
—witty banter/flirtation
—love-hate stories. Our editor has a fondness for stories where the protagonist has a love/hate relationship that quickly turns to love
—super seasonal stories. As we are a weekly, be sure to keep in mind the holidays/weather patterns that are in play for your selection. As we are moving into April and May, Mother's Day comes to mind 
I just checked in with my colleague in accounting here at the magazine, and she suggested that it would be helpful for any writers who have not been published within the last 12 months or for writers who have never published with us before to indicate that fact alongside their submissions. It would be as simple as adding a line at the top of your submission stating, "I am a new writer for Woman's World" or "I haven't been published in the magazine for the past 12 months".
This will flag our accounting team that you are a new writer who will need to receive a W9 alongside their contract, should your story be selected! As usual, please include your full name (the name you will be using on the contracts, as well as your pen name, should you have one), address and a line indicating that you are a new writer alongside any submissions. For those of you who have already submitted and are new to Woman's World/haven't been published in the last 12 months AND have had a story selected for publication, you can always e-mail me at to let me know that you are a new writer, and I will give our accounting department a heads up.
In the coming weeks, we will be looking for Easter-themed submissions for both mini mysteries and romance selections, so please feel free to send any and all that you may have in the works to us at 

1 comment:

L. Martin said...

Kate, thanks for posting this info here. FB users can click the "Announcements" link on left side of browser for editorial info, updates, and open calls.