Wednesday, March 1, 2023

"Jack" of All Trades

by Chris Maday Schmidt from the February 6, 2023 issue

Tagline: While fixing up her father's house after he passed, Jenna meets Jack in the caulk aisle...and gest a loving sign from above. 

Observations: On the negative side, I wondered at the hankie. The hero has dark hair, so he's young-ish and I'm finding it a little hard to swallow that he carries an actual handkerchief. 

I also wondered if this handyman just trolls the aisles of the hardware store for clients, which I guess is good business but a little strange.

On the other hand, this story had an otherworldly element to it that I don't often see--that mysterious older gentleman. I assume it's her dad appearing as an angel, which I really liked. Don't we all hope our loved ones who have gone to the great beyond are watching over us?

I also absolutely loved that she was a children's book author. That's an occupation I've not seen in any Woman's World stories. This is where research can come in handy--and by research I mean subscribing to the magazine so you can read every story. If you're familiar with what's been done, it's easier to insert something they haven't seen before. 

Photo by Nan Fry via Flickr Creative Commons License

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golden star said...
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