Monday, April 3, 2023

Love at First Latte

by Claudia Irene Scott from the March 13, 2023 issue

Tagline: On a visit to her favorite cafe in town, Celeste never expects to find love...until a freak storm brings it right through the front door.

Observations: This story reminded me of that part in the Lady and the Tramp movie where they go to that Italian restaurant. I know. This was a coffee shop, not an Italian restaurant. They didn't kiss over spaghetti either. But it still evoked that warm romantic feeling inside me. 

There was no question of Max and Celeste connecting. It was very evident. Celeste noticed and heartily appreciated his great bod. They learned a lot about each other during their conversation too. Showing or telling how the characters are connecting is of vital importance. The editors have said lack of connection is one the top three reasons they reject a story. 

I did catch a typo...

As he took off his soaked sweatshirt, beneath which Celeste observed his taught torso.

And I wondered why he put cologne on to go jogging.

Other than that, I thought it was a charming story.

Photo by Jeremy Keith via Flickr Creative Commons License


Pat said...

I agree, Kate. This was an adorable story.

Nanci said...

Really enjoyed this story. 😀

Sandy Smith said...

It was a very enjoyable story.