Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Ruse that Leads to Love

by Veda Boyd Jones from the September 2, 2024 issue

Tagline: Paige was just looking for a quick getaway from a chatty picnic-goer when she approached Landon for assistance...but ended up finding much more.

Observations: OMG, I ADORED the hilarious plot twist! I can usually spot them easily, but this one really took me by surprise. 

Let me point out a few things you might (or might not!) have missed--hints that he is the mayor and hints that he's just some guy.

He's the mayor clues:

We get an idea that he knows the residents of his town because he thinks of Mrs. Reece as being able to "talk an ear off a stalk of corn." He also knows Polly Hamilton well enough to know her daily routine.

He has a "best carrying voice," which would come in handy when addressing crowds.

He has a "thousand-watt smile"--a handy thing for a politician.

He's just your regular, everyday guy:

He has work-roughened hands.

He runs the hardware store and helps out on his grandfather's ranch.

The ending is the best one I've read in a long time. It's so funny and we get a one-two punch of the reveal that he's the mayor and the joke about his speech. I want you to pay close attention to the comedic beat there that makes the joke even funnier. Here's the end without the beat. 

"Welcome to the annual Labor Day Celebration," he said as he glanced Paige's way. "I'm Mayor Landon Wentworth. I'll try to keep it short."

Now read it with the beat.

"Welcome to the annual Labor Day Celebration," he said as he glanced Paige's way. "I'm Mayor Landon Wentworth." He flashed her a teasing grin. "I'll try to keep it short."

Notice how that pause is crucial. Jones needed to let the reveal land before she hit you with the joke. It's funny, no doubt, without that teasing grin, but that beat in between makes it more funny. Comedy is all about the timing!

Photo by Sylvar via Flickr CC License


Nanci said...

I sprouted such a big smile! What a great story with a fun, surprising ending. I did not see that coming, lol. 😂

Sandy Smith said...

I loved that twist. I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. Great story.

Pat said...

Thanks for pointing all this out, Kate.

Loved the story and loved the twist ending. And, no I didn't see it coming.