Monday, August 27, 2018

The Lucky Penny

by Shelley Cooper from the August 6, 2018 issue

Tagline: Years ago, Lindsay tossed a penny in a fountain and wished for her Prince Charming...would it ever come true?

Observations: The most intriguing, different part of the story, for me, was when Lindsay realized her error. I found myself wondering what she was searching for in the fountain. That little mystery kept me reading. (Not that I would have stopped reading, because, you know, I have a blog I have to maintain. LOL)

When we find out the mystery, it's so touching...

"I'm not wading, officer." Then she told him about the coin her father had given her on her first day of school. A coin that he'd told her would always keep her safe. A coin she carried in his memory. A coin she'd mistakenly given to one of her nieces.

This story also made me chuckle out loud...

"My father taught me to always indulge the elderly and the infirm."

If you're a good student of Woman's World stories, you probably caught that little nod to independent women which was also the "black moment."

"Can I treat you to an ice cream?"

"No," she replied. A thrill shot through her at his obvious disappointment. "But I'd like it very much if you'd let me treat you."

Photo by Sam Howzit, via Flickr CC license


Tamara said...

This story was very different. I liked the part about the man being a cop, her thinking she's going to get a ticket, then him joining in the search.

Shyra said...

I liked these characters, they're nice people. She gave her sister a break and watched the kids, he got in the fountain and helped her search. And I liked them together. Very cute.

Mary Jo said...

This was such a nice story, but I hope there weren't many coins in that fountain. Otherwise, it would be like trying to find the needle in the haystack. Always interested in the practical aspects and logistics even in these little stories.

Sandy Smith said...

This was a cute story. I loved the way the cop helped her because he was "off duty" so he wasn't going to give her a ticket. I also enjoyed the way she offered to treat him.

Mary Jo, I think the thought occurred to me that it would be hard to find the penny, but maybe it stood out a little.

Pat said...

I loved this story. Great characters, wonderful premise, and nicely filtered in backstory.

Mary Ann Joyce said...

I thought this story was perfect--sweet, funny, characters that made me smile. Great job!