Wednesday, February 22, 2023

When Love Comes Calling

by Cher L. Tom from the January 23, 2023 issue

Tagline: During a chilly weekend at her cabin, Marcie Lou receives an unexpected visit from an old friend, reigniting a love she thought long extinguished.

Theme: It's never too late.

Observations: Cher L. Tom is a former editing client and I'm so proud of her track record with Woman's World. She's flying solo spectacularly! Cher, if you're reading this, tell me in the comments how many stories you've sold.

I thought she did a great job at showing Marcie's character arc. Marcie begins the story at odds with her feelings about Ben and their last interaction. At the end of the story, she has realized she does want to pursue a relationship with Ben and welcomes him back into her life.

As I mention in my class, How to Write and Sell Romance to Woman's World Magazine, sometimes black moments don't occur in the 5-minute romances, but this story had one. it's when Marcie is making that decision...

Marcie took a steadying breath. Ben Morris, back in her life. Was she ready?

Of course, she is. 

I thought the ending was perfect too...

"...I'll trade you a slice if you set up our wood-burning stove?"

Ben's radiant smile spoke volumes. "I'm your guy."

"Yes," Marcie said, leading him inside, hand in hand. "You are."

Photo by Conall via Flickr Creative Commons License

Saturday, February 18, 2023

A Love that Glows Bright

by Marti Attoun from the January 16, 2023 issue

Tagline: Nora is desperate to find a firewood delivery service for her new hearth, when a secret admirer answers the call and lights a spark in her heart.

Observations: This is a matchmaker story that I didn't see coming. I mean, I didn't realize it was a matchmaker story until the end, which is so cool! Usually I can see those coming from a mile away but this one took me completely by surprise. 

I knew Dave was the firewood guy right of the bat, and maybe that was Attoun's intention--distract us with that bit of info so we feel proud of ourselves for figuring that out, and then pow! Hit us with the info that Shirley was behind it all! 

In fact, go back and look at the first line in the story:

"Check the bulletin board, Nora," Shirley said while setting a steaming cup of coffee in front of me at the Crestwood Cafe.

Shirley is the person who set the ball in motion!

I think this just might be a great hack for surprising readers. When you have two surprises in a story, make one really obvious so that the second one sneaks in unnoticed.

Photo by Ivan Radic via Flickr Creative Commons License

Saturday, February 11, 2023

When Love Comes Calling

by Millicent Porter Henry from the January 2, 2023 issue

Tagline: When her parents' pup goes into labor on New Year's Eve, Lindsey calls the vet for help...and a chance at a new romance knocks on her door.

Stream of Consciousness Observations: This is where I just jot down my thoughts as I read the story.

Okay, here's the setting in the form of the heroine's thoughts. Nice.

Her second graders would laugh when they learned how she spent her vacation.

Also, this is a clever way to communicate the heroine's profession.

Aww, the dog is about to give birth to puppies. How exciting! Also, I'm firmly ensconced in that house with the crackling fire. I probably wouldn't be as freaked out as Lindsey because animals routinely give birth without help, but I can understand if someone else got nervous.

Should she call? Doc was probably as old as Pops. 

This is a common "trick" authors use when executing a plot twist. When you have the character jump to a conclusion, the reader usually also jumps to the same conclusion. 

So she cooked up a storm on New Year's Eve even though she's alone. Personally, I might do the same kind of thing. I like to cook, even if it's just for me.

He's wearing aftershave? In the evening, on an emergency vet house call? LOL Lindsey, girl, he's gunning for you.

I'm really enjoying Lindsey's asides. ("What smells so good?" "You do." and Lucky dog.

Hm...strange that they don't talk through the entire meal. 

So he compliments her on her food and asks her out. This is a typical Woman's World HEA, however, I don't feel confident this match will last. I would have much preferred that they connect during dinner. They should be talking and laughing and discovering things about each other that make them both want to spend more time together. However, that said, the editors didn't mind the dinner silence, so there you go. :)