Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A Sweet Love Story

by G.G. Andrew from the October 25, 2021 issue

Tagline: When her rival outsells her apples at the Halloween festival, Michelle never expects it will lead to a romantic pairing.

Observations: I can't help but notice this is another "rivals selling produce of some sort" story. Remember "In the Market for True Love?" And yet, the stories are different. In this one, I got more of a feeling that Michelle had been attracted to Sean for a while, but was refusing to admit it to herself. In the other story, I think the heroine truly disliked the hero until she talked to him. Just goes to show you, you can take similar plots and make them different enough to get published!

I liked how Sean compared the caramel with the apples to the two of them... 

"...would you like to have dinner with me? Not to talk business."

Michelle's jaw dropped. "You and me? But we're nothing alike!"

"In personality, maybe." Sean shrugged. "But we both know that two things that seem like they don't belong can create magic together."


Photo by nerissa's ring via Flickr Creative Commons License


Pat said...

Great point, Kate.

Loved this story.

Kate Willoughby said...

Thanks, Pat!