Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Whale of a Time

by Veda Boyd Jones from the July 15, 2024 issue

Tagline: On a summer cruise to Alaska with his dad, Marshall met Abby, who was traveling with her aunt. Soon, sparks fly.

Observations: It's a strange coincidence that I am doing some serious research on an Alaskan cruise for my extended family-- my mom (87 years old and still kicking), my siblings and their families and me and my family! So I immediately identified with the people in this story. I am a bit jealous though because on my whale watching excursion, we saw whales, but only with binoculars.

By the way, if you've never cruised to Alaska, put it on your bucket list. There is no cruise that is like it in the world. The views are majestic and you feel so close to nature.

Back to the story...most of it happens during dinner, but what a dinner! Marshall and Abby really make a connection. We see that they both care deeply about the elder members of their respective families. We see that conversation between the two of them comes easily. Then, on the whale watching trip, Marshal realizes Abby is very special and the ending is perfect.

We even see a second romance budding between the dad and aunt. A twofer!

The only thing that gave me pause was when Marshall declared of Abby's ex, "He was fool!" That came across a little stilted to me. I'd have preferred something more like "What an idiot." Or, "What a lamebrain." Or, "He obviously didn't deserve you."

Photo by Mark Gunn via Flickr CC license


Pat said...

Cute story.

WW seems to be buying a lot of twofers...two romances in one story...lately. I don't remember seeing a cruise romance before.

The "What an idiot." line didn't bother me as it is used a lot in Hallmark movies and in books.

Kate Willoughby said...

No, I PREFER "idiot" to "fool." If you call someone a fool these days, it would sound weird.

Sandy Smith said...

I agree there have been a lot of double romances. I enjoy them.