Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Garden of Love in Bloom

by Stacey Weeks from the July 29, 2024 issue

Tagline: When Maria Lopez found solitude in her local community garden, she never expected it might also be the place she would stumble upon love.

Observations: This was a truly heartwarming story that spanned quite a lot of time. You'll notice it starts with the day they meet. Then an unknown amount of time goes by and we get another little snippet of their growing friendship. Another unknown amount of time goes by and we get the third act of the story in which David finally makes a move. This was my kind of story. There was no "rushed intimacy" or accidental touches while handing someone an object. In fact, David touches the brim of her hat first, in act two. Then he finally takes her hand in his, but it seems like a natural progression because they've spent so much time together. I truly got goosebumps when I read the end.

Photo by Aaron Baugher via Flickr CC license


Pat said...

Interesting how much time passed in such a small word count story. Cute story.

Kate Willoughby said...

It was well done.

Sandy Smith said...

This was a very well done story. The transitions of time were really good.