Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Purr-fect Love Match

by Jessica Eissfeldt from the August 5, 2024 issue

Tagline: Event planner Melissa didn't plan on her van breaking down on the way to a party...but when it did, it just so happened to lead her to a new love.

Observations: This story had a couple of things I thought I'd point out that you usually need.

1. Physical attraction - The editors have stated that they like to see this on the page. Eissfeldt did this many times in her story.

Her heart flipped.

Her pulse fluttered.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear even as her cheeks warmed.

As she took [the cat carrier], their fingers brushed, and warmth zipped through her.

"I'd love to," she replied, and her heart fluttered.

2. You should also establish the love interest's availability because in real life you can't just assume the man who called a tow truck for you is single. LOL

She noted he didn't wear a ring.

3. A black moment when you think "all is lost." This isn't actually mandatory. I've seen stories with no black moment. But usually, if you look really hard, there is one. This story's black moment was obvious.

He held her gaze as he smiled at her. But then he turned to open his driver's door.

Melissa wasn't sure what to think. Had she misread his kindness as something more?

Photo by Alan Cleaver via Flickr CC license


Pat said...

Cute story with all the elements needed. Well done.

Sandy Smith said...

This was a cute story with a different premise. I have never heard of a business where you bring a cat to a children's birthday party.

Kate Willoughby said...

I hadn't either. Not sure it would be profitable enough to survive.