Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What's For Dessert?

by Kathryn England from the August 12, 2024 issue 

Tagline: Falling more in love with him each day, Beth devised a plan to surprise Walter with a sweet proposal at their favorite restaurant.

Observations: This story flipped a trope, which is a great way to give Woman's World what they want, but with a twist.

Trope: A man asks a woman to marry him.

The Twist: He already did ask her and she put him off for a year. Now she's asking him.

That's all it takes. One small tweak to the trope and boom, you have fresh story. 

I loved the "black moment," where we think that the proposal is ruined because Walter decided to mix it up by changing his dessert order. We're worried because Beth went to a lot of trouble to set this up. She even got a "men's engagement ring." (I had no idea these existed, but I suppose when a gay man proposes to his partner, he needs a ring! The ones I found looked like wedding bands.) We hope that Mama Giovanni can fix things and she does.

I had trouble picturing what she'd done because I had never heard of either of these desserts before. The Bonet alla piemontese is like a chocolate flan. Zuccotto is like what they pictured in the magazine. So, picture a chocolate flan with a piece having been replaced by a large piece of bundt cake looking dessert. 

Both of them sound delicious and I want to try making them. I'll post pictures if I ever get around to it.

Photo by arsheffield via Flickr CC license


Pat said...

Thanks for the comments. This was a cute story. So cute, I missed so many of the elements you have listed here which is why I keep coming back to see you comments.

Nanci said...

Really liked it. I got sort of distracted trying to figure out what those desserts were but it was a fun distraction.

Kate Willoughby said...

You're a blessing, Pat. :)

Kate Willoughby said...

Right? Same! I mean, I know tiramisu, cannoli and panna cotta. That's about it.